1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
In a video I watched on Prairie Style, I learned Frank Lloyd Wright invented this concept. I have been to two homes here in New York, and am familiar with him, but not his Prairie Style. This concept of his was responsible for breaking the mold of the box shaped house. He felt it did not blend well with the environment, felt rectangles and elongation of a home made it more organic and made it easier to customize to complement a landscape. His view was that the home should complement its environment and the environment should do the same to the homes He built.
I learned that the Romans and Greeks used concrete in their structures. I thought they were similar to Egyptian structures and made of mainly large carved stones. Concrete is so weather resistant, strong and easily repairable.
In the last video I was amazed to learn the Romans not only invented the arch, but they were the first to use arches and column for the purpose of design. The Coliseum is one structure that represented this.
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The videos expanded on the definitions of architecture in the text, by giving examples and visual cues on the subject matter from the text. The showed some of the processes talked about in the text, so that we could see things from a different perspective.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?
I found the films highly knowledgeable, although I did have a hard time understanding what people were saying. Again film always adds a new depth on things, when comparing to read about them. It always broadens my understanding of things when I see a video or something acted out.
4. From the group of four that you had a choice: Why did you choose that film?
I chose the video, “Last Call for Planet Earth: Sustainable Development and Architecture,” because the environment is a great concern of mine, and I have been conscious of the damage we have caused over the years. I do believe we are in a decline and have to change our uses in energy and waste management. I think we can reverse the negative effects if we change now. Otherwise we will see adverse effects. When I looked through the choices of videos, this one seemed the most appealing, because I wanted to see what we plan to do to conserve, and to consume less energy by being more efficient as humans in our everyday life. I agree that people think they are external, and the world is theirs to use up, without thinking how it will affect future generations.
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