I turn this...
Into This!
This process started at work, where I spend most of my time, unfortunately. I started doodling on sticky notes. I know most off-road racing products that stick in are three letter logos, like FMF and HMF Racing. So I figured, why not one letter? So I went with M. It's simplistic yet easy to remember with a nice logo to follow it up.
I discovered that a letter is powerful, in how it presents itself. So I went with the M that reflected that. Racing parts and clothing need to be durable and with stand punishment, and actually give punishment back to those elements which try to breakdown our equipment. So I made the M like a sword, powerful and sharp edges. The design is clean and to the point, literally!
I learned through power points and videos how logos and symbols appeal to people by their design, direction of movement and shape. People associate with designs from experience and gain loyalty or hatred of them depending on these experiences. Logos are used from signs that re meant to obey, to symbols or emblems of heritages and bloodlines. We see and react to logos everyday and in many different ways. Since the beginning time we have sought to communicate with logos and signs.
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